Da Capo

02 April 2006

What the #@*! do I know?

For those that haven't seen What the #$*! Do We Know? it's definitely worth checking out. It's a semi-doc that raises some interesting lines of thought. Whatever I or any other viewer made out of the points (dismiss, accept, use as a start for their own ideas), I love that this film raises such questions and in such an accessible way. I found a few of the ideas presented intriguing.

For instance, the water study. A scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto, divided some clean water into identical containers with different words facing the water. Later, the water was photographed microscopicly. And the pics are amazing. "If thoughts can do that to water, imagine what they can do to us." Now, I don't know enough of the experiment to declare it to be the absolute truth, that you must believe, blah, blah. But just the chance that thoughts and feelings projected on to an object can physically affect it is mind-blowing. Seriously, consider how our lives can be lifted or damaged based on the things we feel and think.

Positive thinking. Could lives be improved with positive thoughts and outlooks? Or, conversely, destroyed by negative ones?

Along the same lines, what of God? Power of prayer has been offered as evidence of the existence of a god. But what is prayer? Intense thoughts, aimed at bettering a situation in some way. Pleas to a higher power. What if the power lies not in a god, but in us; in the power of our concentrated thoughts? "I think you are a god." Could our bodies really be temples, only fueled by our own power and enlightenment rather than an invisible grand being?

Sure, it is just a movie. I love movies, to the point of passion. I love movies that make me feel, that make me grow, that show a bit of the love that the filmmakers obviously have for their craft. And I love movies that make me stop to think. Sadly, such films are a rarity these days. And for that reason alone I would recommend this. Forget that it's about philosophy, about quantum physics, and just open your mind to possibilities. Then declare it bullshit after considering it all.

What the hell do I know anyway?


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