Da Capo

23 March 2006


So I'm on a path to discover my life. Aren't we all? But as college graduation fast approaches, I am getting scared. I currently have a couple applications out, but am awaiting word back from them. Which leaves me in limbo.

Well, I shouldn't say "leaves," I have been here quite awhile. But that doesn't make it any more comfy. I would love to just know. Know where my life is going, have a concrete plan. But I don't. I recently broke up with the boy who had promised to take care of me and love me forever, the boy who had a plan for his life and had found a way to make his plan my plan. Except it wasn't my plan. Granted, I don't know what my plan is, but I knew enough to know I had to end it. So yay me. As a reward for knowing myself oh-so-much I now have a million unanswered questions, graduation in May, no job, and most likely my parent's house to run to after grad. Where I will most likely get a lame job to pay my loans, sleep at the beach, and hang out with the same folks I hung with before I left three years ago. Da Capo.

Why are we asked to choose our future at such a young age? I have had three different majors and am just now getting an idea of what I'd like to do "when I grow up." Too bad this revelation has come just before I don my cap and gown. Honestly, we are still teenagers when we are faced with this choice; in high school we are told to join the clubs, take the AP classes, take extra college classes in the summer, log in volunteer hours to get the scholarships. When I think back at some of the decisions I made during my high school years I laugh to think that adults found me ready to map out my life.

Perhaps it's just me. I was put in those gifted classes since 3rd grade. I'm supposed to have some decent IQ. But I have never been able to focus; I will become entranced with one subject whole-heartedly just to tire of it and move on without a second glance. The only things I have stayed in love with are the things I feel I can't do well. Art, Poetry, Music, Film, Writing. Which I am happy to say is what my degree is focused on. But now what? I still don't think I'm that good. And in these fields you HAVE to be good.

Aah well. I guess I can always go to law school like everyone else.

Now that I've bummed you out, let me redeem with these boys.
Hey pretty girl, did you go to college? Did you get your BA with all that knowledge?



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