Da Capo

27 March 2006

Silly boys, dicks are for chicks

So me and the Mike were IMing the other night when the conversation turned to homoeroticism. Kinda.

Namely, how the guys (college age and up) we know are very quick and generous with the gay references between themselves. And the small dick references. And the lack of sexual prowess/impotence/faster than a speeding bullet references. And the near kisses and dry humping. To the point of having a stand-off as to who can out-gay each other. Invitations to have mansex with their itty-bitty members lasting about, ooh, a minute abound.

I'm all for some man on man action. But they, of course, mean none of it. It is the new little boy game. Where they were once quick to declare to be the most hetero, to have the largest dick in the room, to yell fag as the ultimate insult of death--the opposite now seems to hold the most weight. The comments build as they fly back and forth. Until one triumphant male "presents them," to quote Mr. Garrison, and he is crowned the winner. The most hilarious. The most secure and therefore the holder of the largest dick, the most satisfied list of women, and basically the manliest of all the men he just out-gayed.

When did this transition take place? I think I missed it. Is it a generational thing? As in, our generation? The gay movement did seem to grow during our lives. When we were kids, I'd dare say that it was still associated with negativity. And we saw it evolve to where most people our age are okay with it. We are aware. And we don't really care. As the lifestyle has been deemed familiar (tv shows, films, books all have incorporated it) has it become an acceptable form of humor?

I think I give the boys too much credit with that analysis, however. I doubt they have examined their jokes within the societal context as I have here. I wonder if they can even pinpoint it, this shift. It would be interesting to know.

Fuck it, I just like hearing about my friends partaking in the man-sex. Mmmmmm....beefy.


  • Back in high school in the seventies, my friends and I often joked about being gay, so it's definately not new. It was part of the comeraderie along with wrestling around, getting drunk together, calling each other names. Homophobics are all closet gays.

    What pisses me off is how much the movies portray teenagers as being so socially viscious. High school was not like that at all were I went to school in the midwest. Bullies were considered to be jerks, and bullying ussually resulted in being outcast. Sure, we gave each other a hard time, but it was all clowning around, and anytime feelings got hurt, serious effort was put into making up for it. Male bounding and the crazy hi-jinks that we went through in adolescents were very important to our developing into decent human beings.

    By Blogger poet1b, at 8:20 PM  

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