Da Capo

23 March 2006


So the ex is gone for the evening, leaving me and Catcher to protect the house. Which is no big deal. Usually. About an hour ago I heard a loud noise from down the hall. I was about to yell at Catcher when I saw that she was lying next me, fast asleep. Overimaginitive girl that I am, the first thought I had was "oh god, are the doors locked?" Being too much of a wuss to go check, I instead close and lock my bedroom door, grab my cell phone and listen.


I soon forget about this as I am writing in my spiffy new blog. (Which is giving me problems but that is another topic.) Then I hear it again. What the hell, we are both in my room, the ex isn't home...then I hear it. The faint sound of water running.

My god, I am such a drama queen. The sound isn't a burly thief stealing our tv and possibly my vitue if the bedroom door was unlocked. It is the icemaker. Before he left the ex bitched that I had used all the ice and now the tray was empty. And he turned it back on.

Ice dropped into an empty tray is quite loud.


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