Da Capo

09 May 2006

Spoon Fantasies

I saw this guy standing in front of me in line yesterday. And I had to fight the urge to attack him. Fight hard. But this wasn't the normal lustful urges due to cycle or circumstance. Oh, nooo.

I didn't want him to fuck me. I wanted him to cuddle with me. I had to fight the urge to tackle the guy and force him to be big spoon.

This is very new. I only saw him from the back. He wasn't particularly built or anything. He didn't have the broad back or hard shoulders that I normally get the warm and fuzzies from. There was nothing that was eye-catching about him, just your very average guy. Still, my eyes could not be torn away from his arms. I wanted to be in them.

And now I am disturbed. Popular opinion is that I am simply a tad affection deficient right now, coupled with my being so grown-up that I know that a sweat session is not the same as a cuddling.

Still. It's very odd.

I think I'll go "sleep with the cat when no one will have me." Goodnight Sandra Cisneros.

01 May 2006

An oh pinion

Massive demonstrations today in support of illegal immigrants from Mexico. The news channels show an impressive turnout across the country. Although, really, we already knew that there were large numbers of Mexican immigrants in the US, both legal and non. And the crowd is also supplemented by college students and others that support the cause. I can just hope those in this category know what the hell this is about and aren't all like this ridiculous girl that just gave an embarrassing interview.

I have been asked a couple times what I think of this whole thing. Being that I have a Hispanic last name and a tan, I must have inside knowledge into the culture and the immigration issues. However, I have no such knowledge; I can't speak Spanish, only been to Mexico as a drunken tourist, and have no idea what is to be an immigrant.

I do have an opinion about it all though. One that seems to surprise my liberal friends, though I don't understand how. I don't think that these illegal ( sorry, "undocumented") immigrants should be granted special status simply because they are already here, have been here, whatever. That would just be wrong. Why, you ask?

First, they are here illegally. Illegal. As in breaking the law. Nevermind this whole "undocumented" crap, it's not like papers were simply lost or anything. It has been said during these demonstrations that they are not criminals. I would have to disagree. They are indeed criminals, not dangerous ones of course, but law-breaking just the same. By showing little regard to the law, they are showing little regard for our government, and therefore showing little regard for the country they say they love as the stars and stripes are waved in front of cameras.

Second, as non-citizens, our government owes them nothing. Sounds harsh perhaps, but there it is. They cannot vote. They don't contribute their share of tax money. And yet public healthcare and education have been hit by the numbers of illegal people making use of them. For example, a look at California's costs in these areas is unbelievable. It can't simply be a coincidence. (Although, if they are granted citizenship, at least they will then be paying taxes, maybe some back taxes?) Also, US civil rights (ie: right to assemble, free speech) have been invoked throughout this whole thing. Again we don't owe them these either.

Finally, it is greatly unfair to those immigrants who are striving to get to this country through legal means. This is where my liberal colors show. Above most things I feel that people should be treated justly. And simply granting special accommodations to people who bypassed the system is unfair to those who are trying to come to America the correct way. Particularly because Mexico is a democratic institution. By staying in the country and getting involved it is possible to effect change. It is a democracy. It has been shown here that large numbers can be gathered and large-scale demonstrations can be organized. That is fantastic. Apply that into bettering your country. Why be concerned about preservation of culture in the states when no care is being given to preserving the country that the culture is from? Besides, there are people who would love to come to the US from countries where conditions are bad, and in some cases, where government is oppressive, and where people cannot impact the government as easily. Are they less worthy of living here than those that were able to sneak in simply because they share a border? I think not.

But what is fair is rarely much of consideration. It is now a legal/economic issue and will be decided as all such issues are. Constituency opinions will be gathered, public image considerations will be made, projections on how a stance on this issue will impact elections will be analyzed. What makes this a bit tricky is that the core people that this issue involves have no vote. So that should make analysis interesting.

I feel for the families involved. I seriously do. I'm sure most of the people in this country do.

However, decisions will need to be made and the world is not perfect. Systems are put in place for reasons.